By Neslihan
I never got why vanity or pride was a sin. I mean what's better than a great dose of self-loving or should I say self-glorification. And vanity was never as accurate as in our digital age. Facebook, Blogger, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr: it's all about justifying your extreme pride. Hey, look at me! Look at what I'm doing! Look at what I wear! Like me, hype me, love me! It has never been more present than this.
I remember growing up having rolemodels. I worshipped The Spice Girls and Jennifer Lopez must have been my style icon at the age of 6. I wanted to dress, walk and talk like her. I would buy a bunch of teen magazines and try to copy her style and 'If you had my love' was on repeat. I would lipsing to it as I'd flawlessly whip my hair back and forth. Those were the carefree days. I couldn't care less what my outfit looked like. I would be dressed in red from head to toe and I stood behind my decisions because I was confident about my colour comboes. I didn't care less about other's opinions and in some strange kind of way I still don't but something has changed along the road.
I'm still rocking my ugly shoe philosophy but I've given up looking like a colouring book. And whenever I do, I try to be the fashionable counterpart of it. To me dressing up is not about being on trend (but I find myself being a trendwhore more often) but about being true to yourself. I'd never wear something that doesn't follow my aesthetics. But somehow I've lost my rolemodels and I've become my own icon. I don't know whether that is sad or pathetic but I'm quite enjoying it. I used to be the rules kind of girl, you know the Trinny and Susannah kind of rules. 'What not to wear' but I've gradually let go of that theory since I believe you can even rock a sack of potatoes as long as you're wearing the right kind of shoes. And since I've let go of those stupid rules I feel freer.
It's about creativity and an authentic style because there's only one you. And who motivates you better than yourself? YOU know what you want to look like. YOU know where this is all going. That's why YOU are your ultimate manager. You've got to hype yourself, believe the image and expand your horizons (your closet in this case). Because that's what's fun about dressing up: it is temporary and you can shift styles like that. You don't have to stick to one kind of uniform. Keep all your options open and don't limit yourself because to limit is to kill your creativity.
There must be a way to praise yourself though because you want to show you're confident and unique. And that's when all those profiles on social networks jump in. Instagram or should I say Selfiegram is all about promoting your life. Food pictures, OOTDs, pictures of your friends and you partying. Look at the fabulous life I'm living! Doesn't this also sounds really Kanye'esque to you?
You have become your own Scary Spice or Jennifer Lopez. Whenever I feel uninspired for example I turn to my blog and I know that sounds vain but that's how I relive the inspiration. It feels as if I sometimes need to remind myself of my fashion believes, which changes monthly. And I think that's good because that's how you become more critical. I'm not a rooted tree, I am a feather in the breeze, who's being pushed into all kinds of directions and I let that breeze lead me. I trust it because I know the journey is all that counts at the end. I don't travel through this fashion spectrum in order to reach my destination. I travel for the journey.
All pictures found on tumblr.
zaterdag 31 augustus 2013
donderdag 29 augustus 2013
PROJECT: concon + dressing down
By Neslihan
I'm starting with a 'new' project that can be summarized by a stupid abbreviation: 'concon'. It stands for 'CONsume CONsciously' and it's not gonna be about me 'presenting an example' or being a rolemodel but it's an attempt in what I would see as consuming consciously. I just want to be more aware of what I'm eating but above all of wat I'm wearing. I've been a vegetarian over a year now. Not a strict one but I wasn't a firm meat-eater (sounds like a pokemon or something) either. It got me thinking about the origins of meat, about the production process actually. It got me so mad to actually know how our fine piece of steak was being produced. How animal- and people-unworthy. I was really frustrated and figured I couldn't be anymore ignorant about this. So I decided to become a flexible vegetarian (or flexitarian BUT GOSH, HATE THAT WORD). Right now I'm at a point of no return. I want to know why my tee only costs 6.95 at H&M? How do they make their clothing so accessible when it comes to the price tag? Could it be that they're also keeping their production costs low by using child labour and disgusting Indian workplaces, which also lack hygene? I'm sure I'm not telling you anything new, I mean you've read countless articles and you probably also have seen a lot of documentaries on this subject. So why do we keep our eyes closed for this problem? Probably because it's easier and cheaper. But I think we owe it to ourselves to know where our clothing comes from and in which circumstances it's being produced. We have to know what the moral price is of budget fashion. And that's what I'm going to do for the upcoming months. I'm not saying I'm going to quit high street shoppig because I can't due to 'financial instability' (I'M A STUDENT, YOU KNOW) but I will think twice before I start impulse shopping. Do I need this? Is the price worth the quality? Do I have something similar already? So, I'm not gonna go extreme on this one. I just want to be more aware of the product of misery I'm buying. And I will monthly report about this.
Another topic that joints this topic effortlessly is a new way of dressing called 'dressing down' (it's actually a counterpart to dressing up). I read about it in Elle Hollands september issue. And it basically comes down to this: you wear a lot of basics and plain colours. The fabrics have to be floaty and the cut has to be seemlessly perfect but simple. You can actually see it as a sequel to 90's minimalism but less firm than minimalism because there is actually room for fooling around. But not too much fooling around since you don't want to look crafted. It's about being pure and getting dressed for the sake of getting dressed. And with my new 'project' (sounds so cool but it's actually something individual) coming up, I might just as well embrace that philosophy.
I'm starting with a 'new' project that can be summarized by a stupid abbreviation: 'concon'. It stands for 'CONsume CONsciously' and it's not gonna be about me 'presenting an example' or being a rolemodel but it's an attempt in what I would see as consuming consciously. I just want to be more aware of what I'm eating but above all of wat I'm wearing. I've been a vegetarian over a year now. Not a strict one but I wasn't a firm meat-eater (sounds like a pokemon or something) either. It got me thinking about the origins of meat, about the production process actually. It got me so mad to actually know how our fine piece of steak was being produced. How animal- and people-unworthy. I was really frustrated and figured I couldn't be anymore ignorant about this. So I decided to become a flexible vegetarian (or flexitarian BUT GOSH, HATE THAT WORD). Right now I'm at a point of no return. I want to know why my tee only costs 6.95 at H&M? How do they make their clothing so accessible when it comes to the price tag? Could it be that they're also keeping their production costs low by using child labour and disgusting Indian workplaces, which also lack hygene? I'm sure I'm not telling you anything new, I mean you've read countless articles and you probably also have seen a lot of documentaries on this subject. So why do we keep our eyes closed for this problem? Probably because it's easier and cheaper. But I think we owe it to ourselves to know where our clothing comes from and in which circumstances it's being produced. We have to know what the moral price is of budget fashion. And that's what I'm going to do for the upcoming months. I'm not saying I'm going to quit high street shoppig because I can't due to 'financial instability' (I'M A STUDENT, YOU KNOW) but I will think twice before I start impulse shopping. Do I need this? Is the price worth the quality? Do I have something similar already? So, I'm not gonna go extreme on this one. I just want to be more aware of the product of misery I'm buying. And I will monthly report about this.
Another topic that joints this topic effortlessly is a new way of dressing called 'dressing down' (it's actually a counterpart to dressing up). I read about it in Elle Hollands september issue. And it basically comes down to this: you wear a lot of basics and plain colours. The fabrics have to be floaty and the cut has to be seemlessly perfect but simple. You can actually see it as a sequel to 90's minimalism but less firm than minimalism because there is actually room for fooling around. But not too much fooling around since you don't want to look crafted. It's about being pure and getting dressed for the sake of getting dressed. And with my new 'project' (sounds so cool but it's actually something individual) coming up, I might just as well embrace that philosophy.
This 90's couple got the concept of dressing down. Winona Ryder chose for a simple black dress with a very basic cut and Johnny went for a suit and an unbuttoned white shirt. Also notice how Winona kept her hair very simple.
90's Kate Moss is another example of dressing down. See how she also has skipped a bra.
Marques Almeida S/S 2013
Narciso Rodriguez S/S 2011
Prada S/S 2001
Liu Wen
Lauren Marshall
zaterdag 24 augustus 2013
Before buying any september issue; read this blogpost
By Neslihan
'September', that glorious month during which everything revolutionarily changes in 'the industry'. September in fashion world is like january amongst muggles. It's the time in a year during which you can start with a fresh conscience and it seems as if everything is possible. It's time to create new dreams and fantasies over which we bloggers, teenage girls and other well-dressed weirdoes obsess knowing we'll never own a Valentino dress or a pair of Chanel pumps. And 'the industry' feeds that fantasy. 'The industry' containing designers, PR, editors and their holy magazines --------> THE SEPTEMBER ISSUES. It's the kind of issue every fashion geek is waiting for after she has dumped her last sheer summer dress. She/he is delighted by the raw materials, big silhouettes and modest colours designers are showing her/him. And editors hype it like it's hot. Collection reviews, interviews, shoots, trend specials and a shit load of advertorials. All in all a heavy bible containig what's hot and what's not during the cold winter days. Since I'm a loyal buyer of those issues I thought it might be time to reveal 'the truth' behind the so-called 'September issue'.
DISCLAIMER: I am not actually revealing anything. So please skip if you were waiting for some groundbreaking, mind-shaking facts.
'September', that glorious month during which everything revolutionarily changes in 'the industry'. September in fashion world is like january amongst muggles. It's the time in a year during which you can start with a fresh conscience and it seems as if everything is possible. It's time to create new dreams and fantasies over which we bloggers, teenage girls and other well-dressed weirdoes obsess knowing we'll never own a Valentino dress or a pair of Chanel pumps. And 'the industry' feeds that fantasy. 'The industry' containing designers, PR, editors and their holy magazines --------> THE SEPTEMBER ISSUES. It's the kind of issue every fashion geek is waiting for after she has dumped her last sheer summer dress. She/he is delighted by the raw materials, big silhouettes and modest colours designers are showing her/him. And editors hype it like it's hot. Collection reviews, interviews, shoots, trend specials and a shit load of advertorials. All in all a heavy bible containig what's hot and what's not during the cold winter days. Since I'm a loyal buyer of those issues I thought it might be time to reveal 'the truth' behind the so-called 'September issue'.
DISCLAIMER: I am not actually revealing anything. So please skip if you were waiting for some groundbreaking, mind-shaking facts.
The first item that keeps on coming back in every editorial and/or trend special since Raf Simons' last collection for Jil Sander is the statement coat. It's the kind of coat that will keep you warm during the harsh winter temperatures while adding a tat 'je ne sais quoi'. It's nonchalant yet classy but above all; it must be in cotton candy colours. And Elle Holland (SEPTEMBER ISSUE 2013, what did you expect?) shows us how varsatile it is. They style it in three different ways, showing you can be sweet or rather spicy in soft baby pinks. Don't be afraid and try to mix this piece with edgy prints, dusty browns and even with velvet. That's how -and I hate to use the word because it truly lacks glamour- functional this coat is.
Those two models belong to the Carven RTW FW collection.
What I truly like about winter fashion is less colours and more greys, blacks and browns but that's not what this Hermès slash Alexander Wang collage is about. This one contains two and even three 'old' (read: past season) trends. The first trend is A-line skirting, the more volume underneath, the better. And the materials just don't matter: pleats, leather, velvet, silk. Movement is important though! Another thing that caught my eye in those two looks is the layering. I'm not talking about the blizzard kind of layering but about combining different items with each other while they first seem pretty unconventional. A classy skirt for example is an excellent match with a sporty sweater and trainers. Dress it up with heels at night and you got yourself a varsatile (yes, I'm going to over-use that one in this post) outfit.
Another Item that keeps on re-appearing in every trend special is the biker jacket. It is edgy, boyish and very punky. It might look unflattering on first sight but you have to wear sheer and floaty fabrics underneath to create that feminine silhouette. Junya Watanabe (on the left) styles it with spicy red butcher pants and messy cake hair, while they create mystery at Givenchy (on the right) by pairing it up with black tones. Either way it looks sexy as hell and it is a timeless piece, you gotta trust me on that one.
You know the drill since the sixties. "WE ARE WOMEN. WE CAN WEAR PANTSUITS WHENEVER WE WANT AND WHEREVER WE WANT TO." But I guess we have past that stage so we have to keep on searching for our male side. In 2013 we do this by wearing oversized coats, pants and jumpers and if possible: all together. Stella McCartney (on the left) keeps it neutral by matching the royal coat with a pair of slim leg trousers in the same colour. That's how you keep the silhouette subtle, yet very powerful. Haider Ackermann chooses a more artsy aproach by pairing up the amazing blazer with flares.
Miranda Priestly would probably not agree on this one but florals are a classic. The season is irrelevant and they have my undying love. It's the only print that creates this instant summer vibe. And excess is the only answer for this one. Combine it with other florals or graphic prints, it creates this unseen dimension. It's an utterly girly print though so how do you keep it grown-up? Simple, you get your own bombastic floral coat and you style it up with a printed pair of trousers and a pair of classy brogues (Dries Van Noten on the left). You're good to go. For the Lolita vibe: enter Erdem FW RTW 2013-2014 (on the right)
'NEW' TRENDS new-new-new-new-new-new-new
There actually are new trends on the catwalks and therefore also in magazines. Grunge is that big thing this season. I've read countless articles about the 'REVIVAL OF GRUNGE' and 'GRUNGE IS NOT DEAD' and 'OMGEE KURT COMBAIN IS A STYLE ICON'. They're overdoing it (as usual) and they'll forget about it asap. But at this moment the next cool thing is grunge: that means florals and tartans mixed all together and ripped stockings with biker boots. Very predictable and teenagy but hey, a trend slut like you embraces everything.
Givenchy on the left and Yves Saint Laurent on the right. Eventhough I think this is too ordinary and too high street to be Saint Laurent.It captures the idea though.
This one is personally my favourite. It's unerwear meets pajamas. Soft silks and lacy bras that caress your skin during dark winter days. That's how being a woman feels like but this trend is more than that. It's about showing what you got underneath by wearing your sexy bra as top, which is quite scary because the amount of nudity is huge. So this trend is only for the Rachel Zoes and Nicole Richies amongst us. The picture on the left though shows us something completely different. It's about wearing your pajamas outdours and creating this relaxed vibe. It looks elegant yet laid back. Even though this looks as a simple concept, it asks for a shit load of guts to pull this one off because you don't wanna look like Bridget Jones.
Both looks are from the Louis Vuitton FW RTW 2013-2014 collection.
woensdag 7 augustus 2013
An ode to the red-haired princess X Zara
By Neslihan
I've been obsessing over Florence Welch as long as I can remember. That sweet voice, those fiery locks, that porselain colmplexion and her 'granny gone hip' style have captured my heart eversince I saw her in 'Kiss with a Fist'. Florence seems like a hoarder who goes to every open air market to see what they've got for her. Antique chairs, vintage chiffon scarves, deep green velvet caftans; you name it, she probably has it. She plays with different styles but she is very consistent along the road. It's about rich fabrics and crowded prints, clothing that tells a story, that's what makes dressing up worthwhile for Florence. She layers and overdoes it sometimes but it never looks bad. No on the contary, she looks like a quirky bohemian 70's princess who might just be born in the wrong era. The way she puts on those glamourous maxi dresses on stage and dances her way to the audience is just delightful because there is no consistency in her dance moves. Yet she knows how to be elegant in an unforced kind of way. I also love her iconic hairdo: that deep red colour and those straight bangs create this playful and at the same time naive vibe. Her make up is quite basic. She makes sure her skin looks whiter that white and puts on some scarlet red lipstick or accentuates her eyes with some eye liner.
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Zara Trafaluc, 49.95 EURO |
-----------------CAUTION- CAUTION- CAUTION- GURL CRUSH ALLERT------------------
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Zara Trafaluc, 29.95 EURO |
And since I've been craving for everything that Welch would wear, I think Zara Trafaluc has the best fall/winter collection ever. The florals, the sheer fabrics, the warm colours and the edgy shoes make this collection look like something Miss Welch would wear. I also think this collection has a strong Dries Van Noten mark because of the grungy tartan prints mixed with painter'esque florals.
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Zara Trafaluc, 29.95 EURO |
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Zara Trafaluc, 14.95 EURO |
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Zara Trafaluc, 49.95 EURO Zara Trafaluc, 79.95 EUR
Zara Trafaluc, 99.95 EURO
zondag 4 augustus 2013
noun, plural trag·e·dies
Have you ever asked yourself what life would be like without the unexpected drama along our road? Neither did I but admit it, it would be a hell of a boring life. And I'm sorry if you're encounting drama at this very own moment but this is the plain truth. You've got to go through a pile of shit first to appreciate your layer of dust. And that's what they call a tragedy. Someone who has it all but one single default holds back our hero/heroine to be. All those qualities to be the greatest but this -almost deified- person chooses to go his own way. And that's what I like about Greek tragedies: all those heroes who sin when they actually try to avoid to anger the gods. It's human nature I guess, to do whatever the fuck you want to do. And it might look illogical and stupid but at that moment, at that place it is the most natural thing to do. People in our modern times have kind of created this 'I am the creator of my own destiny' kind of philosophy. And I absolutely encourage that even though it makes it harder to point fingers at someone else afterwards because all responsibility rests on your own shoulders. And at times it makes it really difficult to accept your own tragedy and those are serious life lessons. I'm not going to preach though because this was initially meant as an easy post. And besides that, what do I know about 'Life', right? I'm only 19 summers young and unexperienced and at the edge of making the biggest mistakes of my life.
I guess what I've really asked myself was: "What if everyone was happy, where would we all stand now?" I guess if there weren't any troubled artists like Bukowski, Hemmingway, Kahlo, Arbus, Winehouse etc. there also wouldn't be books, paintings, pictures or songs full of agony and darkness. That's why I too have concluded that happy people don't write or draw or dig deeper into their own souls to shamelessly expose themselves. Happiness is safety and I guess those are not the kind of books we want to read. We want heartbreaking tragedies that cut in our flesh and leave us restless. The stories that don't leave us that easily. Some things do leave a mark for life and this shapes you or even molds you into the person you become. The greater choice does lie in your hands but some things are uncontrolable, whether we like it or not. Call it Destiny, Karma or God, I believe something is out there, as strongly as I believe that I am the Creator of my own destiny.
Yours sincerely,
Collage info:
1) Creepy figure by Maria Rubinke
2) Dita von Teese in Christian Lacroix (BURY ME IN THIS PLEEZ. OR BURY ME IN COMME DES GARCONS. THANQ.)
3) Amazing dress found on tumblr, source unknown
4) Have a glamourous suicide, found on tumblr, source unknown
5) "The Waqwaq tree has fruit in the form of human figures"
6) "Oh Lucifer, please take my hand", found on tumblr, source unknown
7) A still from 'Pulp Fiction', Uma Thurman, (GORGEOUS 90'S BABE)
8) "I am the designer of my own catastrophy", light art, found on tumblr, source unknown
9) Virgin Mary and sweet baby Jesus, faceless, found on tumblr, source unknown
vrijdag 2 augustus 2013
Some girls, some shoes
I'm seriously balancing between 'omg, I got a genius subject to blog about' and 'nah, mojo too low, bish'. I've been working my ass off the last couple of weeks. I'm not complaining though because the cash is more than welcome since my wish list got a tatsy longer. I start at six AM and I leave my work at three PM, amazed by another heat wave that meets me outside. I am not kidding you, I'm gobsmacked when I'm welcomed by the tropical temperatures when leaving my work place. You can't have a good hairday when it 30 degrees cuz I got really, really thick black hair and it attracts the sun like crazy. Natural result? I sweat my ass off and keep my hair in a sloppy bun/braid. I have given up satin like fabrics and embraced cotton, cotton, cotton! I've invested in a hell of basics lately cuz I can't handle synthetic, no sweat-absorbing fabrics right now. But enough about me, for now at least. 'Gotta wake up this fashion cemetry' PART 256304. I'm just not the regular blogger and you are not the regular visitor. But it's okay, we get along just fine.
Here a collage to represent my current mood. I begin to feel like teenager years are the golden years lately because it's an inbetweener thing. You're not completely mature but you're definitely not a child anymore. It's about becoming a lady without deserting your inner rebel. That's also what your outfit is sporting but you don't mind cuz it feels natural as you combine your ripped 90's jeans with your crispy white shirt. You don't forget to put on your favourite nike trainers and kick the day like you did back in high school. It's all about mixing and matching, there are no rules and the boundaries between ages are becoming vaguer each season and that's just something to like cuz dressing up like a 18 year old aint a shame no more when you're 28. And the other way around is possible aswell.
Sunset has turned me in a true melancholic and I don't mind because I feel like daydreaming and painting hearts on my chest as I run through Vogue Paris and sip a little of my café frappé. It's all about feeling like an adult when you put on those high heels and feeling like a teen when you have to cook your own meal. "Hey, I'm tired! Mom? Anyone?" Since I live on my own, I'm left to my own destiny (read: non-existing cooking skills) and I've been living on pasta pesto and salmon for the first couple of months but I literally started to sweat pesto and got sick of it. So now I'm trying to survive on american cookies as I'm checking out new and easy recipes. And it feels like life has only started, which is bullocks of course but hey, you do get the point. So I too am balancing between being an understanding adult and a quirky (is it even okay to say that about yourself? cares) 19-year old.
I'm seriously balancing between 'omg, I got a genius subject to blog about' and 'nah, mojo too low, bish'. I've been working my ass off the last couple of weeks. I'm not complaining though because the cash is more than welcome since my wish list got a tatsy longer. I start at six AM and I leave my work at three PM, amazed by another heat wave that meets me outside. I am not kidding you, I'm gobsmacked when I'm welcomed by the tropical temperatures when leaving my work place. You can't have a good hairday when it 30 degrees cuz I got really, really thick black hair and it attracts the sun like crazy. Natural result? I sweat my ass off and keep my hair in a sloppy bun/braid. I have given up satin like fabrics and embraced cotton, cotton, cotton! I've invested in a hell of basics lately cuz I can't handle synthetic, no sweat-absorbing fabrics right now. But enough about me, for now at least. 'Gotta wake up this fashion cemetry' PART 256304. I'm just not the regular blogger and you are not the regular visitor. But it's okay, we get along just fine.
Here a collage to represent my current mood. I begin to feel like teenager years are the golden years lately because it's an inbetweener thing. You're not completely mature but you're definitely not a child anymore. It's about becoming a lady without deserting your inner rebel. That's also what your outfit is sporting but you don't mind cuz it feels natural as you combine your ripped 90's jeans with your crispy white shirt. You don't forget to put on your favourite nike trainers and kick the day like you did back in high school. It's all about mixing and matching, there are no rules and the boundaries between ages are becoming vaguer each season and that's just something to like cuz dressing up like a 18 year old aint a shame no more when you're 28. And the other way around is possible aswell.
Sunset has turned me in a true melancholic and I don't mind because I feel like daydreaming and painting hearts on my chest as I run through Vogue Paris and sip a little of my café frappé. It's all about feeling like an adult when you put on those high heels and feeling like a teen when you have to cook your own meal. "Hey, I'm tired! Mom? Anyone?" Since I live on my own, I'm left to my own destiny (read: non-existing cooking skills) and I've been living on pasta pesto and salmon for the first couple of months but I literally started to sweat pesto and got sick of it. So now I'm trying to survive on american cookies as I'm checking out new and easy recipes. And it feels like life has only started, which is bullocks of course but hey, you do get the point. So I too am balancing between being an understanding adult and a quirky (is it even okay to say that about yourself? cares) 19-year old.
And those girls have that kind of vibe. They look innocent yet naughty, pretty yet unsophisticated, girly but not yet womanly. And that's what I like. They represent that careless feel and they look really confident while doing so. So why does everyone keep on saying that teen gurlz dont luk confident, omg? Tavi sure is the C in 'confident'. Look at that sassy look, as if she could handle the world. And I just love Léa Seydoux's hair (right above). Dye your hair in rainbow shades while you still can. This girl rocks all colours ---> INSPO!
And what's better than a pair of shoes to feed your unsatisfiable teen soul? Feed your lust at Dr. Martens dot com. Those babies are on sale and I just love 'em. They're summery, flowery and very girly yet they're kick ass Martens, what else does a teen girl desire?
The first two pair are only £45!!! The last pair is even cheaper: £40!
Thanks for reading my rambling post and enjoy your pretty evening.
Angelina Jolie,
Azealia Banks,
Doctor Martens,
Drew Barrymore,
Kate Moss,
Léa Seydoux,
Online shopping,
Tavi Gevinson
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