speaking about going crazy
I have been thinking about
mermaids lately.
but I can't place them
but I can't place them
properly in my
one problem that bothers
is where are their sexual
organs located?
do they use toilet paper?
and can they stand
on their flipper
while frying bacon and
I'd like a mermaid
to love.
sometimes in the supermarket
I see crabs and baby
and I think, well,
I could feed her that.
but how would I pack her
around at the racetrack?
I get my things and then
push my cart to the
check-out stand.
"how are you today?" she asks.
"o.k.," I say.
she has a
market uniform
flat shoes
a little cap
she rings up my
purchases. I know
where her sexual organs
are located as
I look out the
plate glass window
and wait.
By Bukowski
what matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
1) Unknown on tumblr
2) Christopher Shannon SS '14
3) CR Fashionbook, Doves FW '13
around at the racetrack?
I get my things and then
push my cart to the
check-out stand.
"how are you today?" she asks.
"o.k.," I say.
she has a
market uniform

a little cap
she rings up my
purchases. I know
where her sexual organs
are located as
I look out the
plate glass window
and wait.
By Bukowski
what matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
1) Unknown on tumblr
2) Christopher Shannon SS '14
3) CR Fashionbook, Doves FW '13