maandag 7 november 2011

Things I'm currently in love with: part one

I know the fact that I keep switching languages can get quite annoying but I just cannot help it. When I see something and get inspired I start thinking in the language that has or nothing to do with it or is connected to it. Pretty logical. Anyways I will be posting in English consistently or at least try to do so. The reason of this post is explained in the title. I have lots of pictures that I kept saving on my computer and I think it's time to share those with you.
1) Detail picture of Dolce & Gabbana RTW fall/winter 2011-2012: Okey, can we all stop nagging about the fact that it's fall? This counts for me as well! Look at those great fall/winter collections. Look and fall in love! I'm currently in love with false and tasty blingbling and yes, tasty blingbling exists. It's kitsch but I like!
2) I have a gitter obsession! I don't know whether it's healthy but my nails love it! My nails are screaming for more because less isn't more when it comes to sparkles! You may say that it's childish and proves bad taste but I do certainly not share your opinion. It's the best feeling of nostalgia I get. (These aren't my nails.)
3) This isn't something that happened currently. I had a thing for Nicole long before she got married. She has this natural grungy, bohemian style going on which I absolutely adore. These days she looks a little more ladylike though but there's nothing that wouldn't look good on her.
4) People who follow me on tumblr already know this but since Burberry has come up with this jacket I've been hit in a really hard way by its awesomeness. Thank god H&M has this too but only cheaper!
5) People who have been following me on my old blog already know this but I have a galaxy print addiction as well. This doesn't mean that I'm over my flowerpower period. It simply means I've one more print addiction. These scarfs belong to Emmanual Bousset and they're made of 100% silk.
6) Well, I do not only love her latest music video but also some of her hair styles. Right now I'm obsessed with her short hair from a while ago. I'd like to have this hairdo but the thing is I do not have the patience to grow it again. So it's still one big questionmark.
7) I just love the inspiration it provides me! Really! Follow me on:


3 opmerkingen:

  1. Ryanna's haircut is amazing!!!!! she always manage to have great hair and her looks are so chamaleontic (omg-not sure this is proper English...)

    we share the same passion for glitter!

    have a look at my blog so see some in my latest post: Longuette

  2. i have seen the scarfs before and i love them! so Kane! oh and that dolce and gabbana piece, heaven


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