vrijdag 7 oktober 2011


Hi there
Yes, it's me again. Only this time in a different invironment and you're asking yourself: how come? Where to start? I've been blogging on Weblog (a Dutch blogging site). The reason of this was actually quite simple: Weblog was so much easier to work with. We were living the most amazing fairy tale, I mean that's what I thought. But you know how Blog Charmings can be: fickle, so fickle. I thought we were meant to be but he needed more space. I thought he'd stay forever but our relationship ended after 5 fabulous months. He just disappeared. No, not quite actually. No, no it went like this. He told me that he'd go away for a few days, maximum a couple weeks. He would return though, that's what he promised! I trusted him because he would never let me down. We were a team, you know? He lied to me, Blog Charming disappeared. We talked for the very last time on the 21st of August. I haven't seen or heard him since then. I was frustrated, angry, impatient and dying to start over again and I think I'm ready now. Ready to start a new blogmance. I've waited enough and a blogger can't wait forever. Enough Blog Charmings in the sea! And I do not give up on blogging because it's what I do, it's a part of who I am. I'm keeping it simple for this first blog post; just a few inspiration pics to start with. I will blog in English but also in Dutch.
P.s.: My blog on Weblog has disappeared after the immigration the site was having. I can't log in to or visit it since then. They said the clean-up and immigration would take a couple days/weeks but it has been going on for two months now. I've saved a couple of my blogs but didn't post old ones because a blog should always be up to date and that's my main goal. So, I'm having a brand new start and I hope you join me in this!

I do not owe the pictures and I wil mention if I do. These are mainly from my tumblr or Vogue Paris.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. De eerste foto vind ik prachtig! Hij komt me bekend voor maar ik weet niet echt meer waar ik hem al eerder gezien heb.
    Ook de bandjes op de laatste foto vind ik geweldig, ik heb er gezien op ASOS en deze foto heeft me overtuigd ze te kopen! Dankje! :)

    x Jonas

  2. Hihi, zowel de eerste als de laatste foto komen vanop tumblr! :)


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