donderdag 17 mei 2012

Scare me

By Neslihan
Watching horror movies is always such a dilemma. I mean to watch or not to watch because you see, I'm one of the biggest cowards when it comes to horror movies. I brag about the fact that I love scary movies, that I'm an addict when it comes to watching serial killers chase girls in white sleepwear. (such a clché) The thing is though, I cannot sleep for several nights after seeing such a movie. I become paranoid when I hear freaky sounds when I'm home alone and my brain starts to go in overdrive. Might it be Freddy Krueger of Leather Face? "You're just imagening things, Neslihan. It's only your mind", I tell myself. I try to focus on other things. "Think about bees and flowers, Neslihan. Think about pretty stuff", I advice myself. And of course the best part of all this is that I have to go to the toilet at night. My blatter becomes stressed but I try to ignore that fact. Hey you, I've just watched a horror movie. I'm so not going to the restroom, there's where the freakiest things happen. I press every switch I find to light up every room I pass by. I'm a hygienic person, you see? So I always wash my hands after this little visit. We have this huge mirror in front of the sink so I try not to look at myself when washing my hands, afraid of seeing misformed creatures in the mirror. (The Amityville Horror) I've got this vivid sense for fantasy, as you can read. It never stops me though from watching those films because it's such a rush. It's bigger than life, it's exciting, it breaks the monotony of an ordinary day and it's not exhausting. Relax, grab a scary movie and let the party begin.


1) The Bride Of Frankenstein necklace
2) Freddy Krueger necklace
3) The Mummy neckalce
4) A Clochwork Orange earrings

Everything is available on Etsy's website.

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