dinsdag 12 februari 2013

Single lovin'

By Neslihan
Yours truly sending you love. Literally.
In two days every restaurant, every café, every little corner will be overdosed with tacky hearts, cute kissing couples and mellow love songs but you are S-I-N-G-L-E. And I refused to write 'still single' because that just sounds so desparate and desparate is not sexy. Keep that in mind. Now that crucial day for love birds discriminates all the fabulous single gals and dudes. That's why I'm taking a moment to honor all those who are enjoying their lazy single life. A couple of advantages single life offers you:

1) You can be shamelessly selfish! Hey, you do not have to share your candybar or find a movie you both like. You can watch your corny girl's series and have marathons on your own.
2) "I'm sorry but I don't feel like meeting up" or "I'm sick" are excuses you don't have to use if you don't feel like dating your bf. A girl needs some time for herself too, you know?
3) You can crush as hard or as much as you want and you don't have to feel guilty for it!
4) You can shop as long as you want without your bf saying "honey, I'm tired, are we going home already?" or "I'm hungry, let's stop and grab a lunch!"
5) You can wear your slobby PJ's at any hour of the day but that doesn't mean you don't have to look good or take care of yourself. Real love starts with yourself - as cliché as this sounds.
6) You're not overwhelmed by the constant urge of texting or seeing that one person. Seriously saves you some time and energy to do other stuff.
7) You don't have to relate to every love song you hear because ew, no.
8) You can sing and burp shamelessly without worrying whether you're still looking elegant, and that's worth staying single for!

Just because you're single doesn't mean you don't deserve cute lingerie.
Feet your eyes and body at Wildfox.

Shoes are a necessity. As the cliché goes: you can never have enough shoes.
Fall in love at Shopstyle UK.

My friend linked me those beauties, amazing Wasteland replacements.
Find them at Miista.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. je hebt echt een goeie smaak, wat een leuke items! en leuk geschreven ook, iemand vinden waarmee je al die dingen uit het lijstje gewoon kan doen is echt een luxe en het doel :)

    1. Dankje, wat een complimenten! Hou echt van je blog btw, ik weet dat het hoort om zo'n dingen te zeggen op de 'blogosphere', maar 'k hou van je oprechte visie op verschillende onderwerpen!

  2. Enjoy being single while it lasts! It has its pros and cons just like the opposite situation. :) I wish I knew how to savor back when I was single. But, I actually have no problem burping in front of my bf haha, he thinks it's funny!

    Castle Fashion


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